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Simple Hacks by Simply Put #3

Purge your Closet Try each item on- Don’t just look at each piece of clothing on the hanger.

Trying everything on is a game changer! You will honestly assess how it looks and feels. This is the best way to purge your closet and get rid of things you don’t love or wear.

Ask Yourself 6 Questions to Create a Closet you Love! 1. Does it fit now? Be very selective about what you keep. Keep only your absolute favorite pieces that you will love to wear again.

2. Is it damaged, stained, or does it need repair? Anything damaged beyond repair or stained needs to go. Give yourself a deadline to have it repaired. If you really loved and wore the item, repairing it would be a priority.

3. Do I feel good in it? Is it comfortable? Notice if you automatically pull down the hem, pull up the neckline, etc. Things that required constant adjustment need to go.

4. Do I look good in it? Do the color and style flatter me? It can be helpful to take pictures of yourself in your clothes to get a more objective view. Invite over a friend who you can trust to be completely honest with you.

5. When was the last time I wore it? If you can’t remember the last time you wore it, it is time to let it go.

6. Would I be happy to wear it for the rest of the day? If you think you should keep an item, but can’t wait to take it off for whatever reason, obviously it does not belong in my closet!

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